The user who creates a workspace is automatically designated as an Admin for that workspace, or another workspace member can be designated as Admin.

<aside> 💡 What can an ADMIN do?

  1. Rename : You can change the name of the workspace
  2. Delete : You can delete the workspace
  3. Member management : You can change the permissions of a workspace member or cancel an invitation


Rename & Delete Workspace

Admin can rename the workspace or delete the workspace.

When delete workspace, you can delete it after re-entering the workspace name and checking.

Contents created with great care in the meantime should not fly away in an instant~! 😂

Workspace Member Management

Admin can cancel the invitation to a user who was incorrectly invited to the workspace or change the status of another member to Admin/Member!

❗️ There must be one Admin in one workspace.

Admin can also leave the workspace?

Yes, it is possible~!

However, since there must be only one Admin in one workspace, there must be another admin in the workspace to leave.