How can I invite members?

At the top left of the workspace, you can check 'how many members are' currently.

If you click the member button, you can invite new members by entering your email address.

<aside> 💡 How many people can I invite at one time? You can invite up to 30 people~ Method 1) After entering the email address, focus out or press enter, comma, or space bar to convert to mailchip. Method 2) Copy & paste multiple email addresses to convert to mailchip at once


If you don't know the account information of the member to be invited?! 🤷‍♀️

In that case, share the 'workspace invite link' with the members.

Anyone who logs into Marimba through this link can immediately become a member of the workspace.!

For more information on Workspace invite link, please check the page below. 😀

Workspace invite link

How is the status display of each member?